
Kenji Kariu「2021」/Release 2021-11-02 / Streaming

CDR + 小説の小冊子バージョンの販売はこちら







Kariu Kenji - All Music and Lyrics / Instruments and Vocals / Recording and Mixing,Mastering /Artwork

Photo by Kalun

In January 2021, the world had covid, but I had viral pharyngitis.
I had a fever of over 39 degrees Celsius for five days.
All the while, the Olympics were spinning around in my head.
I had to write lyrics about sports for this song I was working on.
I was caught by such an obsession.
I was so weak that I couldn't even hold a rice bowl with one hand, but I decided to write the lyrics over that five days.
And it took me a long time to mix the song because there was something different about it.

I'm going to call this song "2021".
I've been thinking about that lately.

As for the other songs, they were hard to put in the previous album, hard to put in the next album, but not submerged, either.

"Somebody... 2021" is a track that I made for a video that was put in storage, and I'm grateful for that because it was the direct inspiration for this EP.
I made "See the dusk / See they howling" because I was scared of a wild dog that was threatening us from the top of a trash can when I'm back in my hometown.

I'm sure the other songs have their own episodes, but this is not the place to show them all, so I'll skip them.

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Kenji Kariu「SEKAI」/ Release 2021JAN / LP


Kariu Kenji, the leader of the Tokyo-based band "OWKMJ", has released his third solo album in nine years.This is a new release from Bruit Direct Disques, a French label that has also released Tori Kudo and Mamitri Yulith Empress Yonagunisan.

It is a masterpiece/problematic piece of work that took its time and was produced almost entirely by one person in the midst of the corona crisis, and is a significant leap forward in terms of sound design, composition, and vocals. If "OWKMJ" is a "dynamic" sound that crosses various genres, then this album is a "quiet" , an expression of the various performances/listening experiences internalized in the memory of its creator.

It is not a spontaneous attempt to Integrate any kind of genres, but rather a work in which a variety of genres sprout up intrinsically, and you can feel a sense of awesomeness as if you were catching a glimpse of the songwriter's own musical history in the group of songs recorded on this album. The album's sound has a modern sound texture that evokes pop, rock, folk, electro, soul and other genres of recent years' hip-hop/r'n'b and beyond, but there is a gradual deviation from all of them, and the album is packed full of musical intricacies,gaps and discrepancies.

The "vocals" in this album are just as, if not more, appealing than the sound. According to him, "I took advantage of the fact that it's not a singer's voice and recorded it to make the most of the potential of my humble voice", but when you listen to this singing with its flat, almost calm intonation, and not trying to sound like a pretender, it gives you a strange, foreign feeling, and "What is a song?" You are made to feel compelled to ask, "What is this?" It's like a verse reading, a lyrical monologue, but you'll be reminded time and time again that this is an undeniably solid song. The lyrics, which expand the song's imagery in multiple layers, are also wonderful, and I think they have a universal power, as if the song (or words) grow in the listener's mind as they follow the words.(An English translation of the lyrics is included with the LP.)

The introspective moods of the covid-19 ravages and the quiet landscape of the city under the declaration of the state of emergency overlap, and at the same time, the towering figure of a musician who never stops creating/imagining his own music comes to the fore in this raw, contemporaneous music. Please come and listen to these songs and sounds that are the ultimate in originality backed by a keen critical eye.

東京を拠点に活動する“俺はこんなもんじゃない”のリーダー、狩生健志の9年ぶりとなるソロ作品。工藤冬里やMamitri Yulith Empress Yonagunisanもリリースするフランスのレーベル“Bruit Direct Disques”からのリリースです。


そして、サウンドと同等かそれ以上に魅力的なのが本作における“歌”の存在。 本人曰く「いわゆる”歌手の声”ではないことを逆手に取り、地味な声のポテンシャルを最大限に活かす形で録音した」とのことですが、平熱的ともいえる抑揚の少ない歌唱で、決して奇を衒っているわけではないのに、奇妙な異物感を孕んだこの歌を聴いていると、“歌とは何か?”と問わずにはいられなくなるような心地にさせられます。 節のついた朗読のようで、リリカルなモノローグのようでもあるが、これは紛れもない強固な歌である、ということに幾度となくハッとさせられることでしょう。また、曲のイメージを幾重にも広げていく歌詞も素晴らしく、言葉を追いかけることで聴き手の中でも歌(言葉)が育っていくような、ある意味ユニバーサルな力も宿っているのではないでしょうか。


インフォメーション作成:清水久靖(Record Shop “Reconquista”)

~狩生さんは、2021年にソロLP「世界」をフランスのBruit Direct Disquesから発表したばかりです。「世界」は、素晴らしい歌(深く心に沁み込んでくる歌詞もあれば、ときに、「奇妙な歌詞だと思ったけどやっぱり深い意味を感じる気がするけど、やっぱり奇妙だ…でも…」となる歌詞もある)と、まるで霧の中に舞う葉のようにさまざまな美しさで響いてくる楽曲群、空間を構築する削ぎ落とされた豊かな音、そして次々と映像が浮かぶようなアレンジでできています。


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OWKMJ「Lamina」/ Release 2019 JULY / CD

·Detailed explanation:
Is it possible to make something like “unconventional music” in 2019?
Is it possible to make an original work?
Perhaps that’s very difficult. However, if continuing without giving up, not forget that kind of spirit, and we may get some response.
The fifth piece of the band “I’m not such a guy” who has been active for many years, mainly in Tokyo.
Members are active as TVCM, movie music, appearances of domestic / overseas large festivals, music teachers, etc.
The music looks like you are trying out various ideas after going back to the basics of music. It is both simple and complex, and both good and bad performers live together.
The composition of nine members, such as age and origin, is also broken down. Well, in a nutshell, it’s an experimental instrumental music with room music, with rock and jazz elements.
But there is something that you don’t want to say, surplus, something indivisible, or some kind of uncomfortable feeling.
There is an air of the age that is invisible but certainly exists.

Art work by Monnai Yukie Design by Terasawa Keitaro

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OWKMJ「NO FANTASY」 Release 2014 / CD

1. Splazsh 2. 会議室 3. arigato 4. The Tower 5. 死霊 6. 庭 7. 光1 8. Blues XII 9. 光2 10. 1985 11. 気楽な稼業

Artwork by Terasawa Keitaro

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OWKMJ「OWKMJ」/ Release 2009 / CD
1. OWKMJのテーマ 2. 遊星からの物体X(album ver.) 3. 題名のない音楽会 4. スタジアム 5. OPEN THE GATE 6. 葬儀の日 7. 瀬 8. 空地(feat.大谷能生) 9. 冥土から 10. THE END

Artwork by Tanaka Makiko

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OWKMJ「2」 / Relaese 2007 / CD

1. 速度の祭 2. 森の掟 3. アフリカ 4. ブラジルの思い出 5. 七拍子(牛の祭) 6. 瀬 7. 三月のタモリ 8. 獄門島 9. 知らない町 10. 俺はこんなもんじゃないの宮殿

Artwork by Kazumoto Tomomi

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Kenji Kariu「KK2」/ Relaese 2011 / CD

1. 誰かが・・・ 2. 猫の絵 3. 夢 4. 空気&蒸気 5. SAUDADE 6. クラシック 7. メロディー 8. 墓場ダンサー協会 9. 庭
Artwork by Terasawa Keitaro

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Kenji Kariu「KK」/ Relaese 2009 / CD

1. 扉 2. 犬と踊ろう 3. 奇妙な時間 4. 雨 5. 衝動の人(feat.イツロウ) 6. REGGAE GUITAR 7. 蛇の一生 8. ON THE FERRY 9. 2008 10. 儀式 11. 扉II 12. GTR

Artwork by Terasawa Keitaro

The production note of “KK”

There’s so many sounds recorded at different places in this CD.Those sounds, the voice of an old elevator of the nearly ash department store in GIFU prefecture,the sound of an unknown band once I saw, unknown street musician,groaning man in the subway,neighbor dogs,summer bugs in 2007,and birds, are recorded by handy-recorder R-09 by chance.
Some parts of the sound became a rhythm or lead voice,and sometimes they used as sound effects without modification in this work.I mixed these natural sounds and instrumental sounds to become the shape of the music what I think,separated the piece needed and unneeded, and the set of works with a certain track was accomplished bit by bit.
Sometimes I felt the border of music and non-music in the process of overlapping each elements and music was oftenly surfacing by itself.This act was like a painting,and like a meditation,and like a meditating-painting.
I concentrated to make this “KK” and one more disc self titled album of “OWKMJ” in half year and one day woke up and noticed I lost my jobs and have no money.But at that time I thought it’s okay because so many jobs and moneys in the world but the 2 works I done would not exist if I don’t.And worked daily employment with younger students.Then the recession hit the economy and my 30’s started in tumult.Maybe you think the music of this CD is dark or incisive as I wrote like that kind of stories,but the sound is pop and easy to listen to many times.
As my situation was driving to the brink of the last when making this,I realized that I’m pop and amiable person essentially.

released June 6, 2009

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OWKMJ「epitonic」/ Release 2003 / CD

1. 静かな祭 2. 海 3. reprise 4. トンネル 5. 知りえぬ 6. ワルツ 7. テキサス 8. 古代 9. ブルースフィーリング 10. 江戸
Artwork by Tower Yoshida

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Kenji Kariu「ひかりのたび オリジナルサウンドトラック」/ Release 2017 Sep

「ひかりのたび」(澤田サンダー 監督 / 志田彩良 主演)のサウンドトラック。
Original soundtrack of “Hikari no Tabi” (dream of illumination)Directed by Sawada Thunder / Starring Sara Shida,2017). Music works composed of ambient addicted to weekday housing estates, probable family music BGM, guitar songs, piano songs, reconstructed improvisations, and more.


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V.A.「音のエスペランサ3」/ release 2019 / LP

-song list-

NoGoodTea 「afrete」
Bicho Pablo 「Todo Empieza」
Ariomi, Aritomo & Aristoteles 「始まりと終わり」
俺はこんなもんじゃない 「council room 2018」
Eric Newman & Andrew Stevens 「Where Are You?」
在知 「かたむく小屋の影のなかで」
ionse 「Parabras」
Mamitri Yulith empress yonaguni san 「Tears Blood Star」
ぬるま湯 「庭石」
海辺のニューゴリラ 「sio sio」


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V.A.「音のエスペランサ2」/ Release 2015 June / LP

Track list
A1.在知「詩人とセイレーン」 A2.六ノ岳ミドリ太「ふうらい」 A3.Bicho Pablo「Infierno Blanco」 A4.Rin Eric with 在知「I keep on dreaming」A5.狩生健志「夢が叶った」

B1.赫「透ける」 B2.真美鳥ulithi empress yonaguni san「Michael」 B3.Bon Voyage「Gonzales」 B4.在知「白いドレスの花」 B5.Munca「Issuuen」
HAKANAIRO RECORDS HAKANAIRO-193 葉か菜色レコーズ http://hakanairorecords.web.fc2.com

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COJO「Industrial Unity」/ Release 2010 / CD

“Enigma (Steel Ground) ”

1. atelier Piet Mondrian 2. Enigma (steel ground) 3. iron ore 4. pool 5. Product APE 6. The Researcher

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ハズレッシヴ「BIG BEAR」 / Release 2007 / CD
1. ミュース 2. kyoto 3. くもり空 4. プロになりてぇ 5. いっぺん東京に来いよ 6. ムガ 7. チェックだホイ 8. エンスト15 9. 俺の後を継いでくれ 10. 剣 11. 飛べ最後の星 12. 穴を掘れ 13. 情熱の赤

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